Daily Projections, 12-1-2018: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (2018)

Title: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Director: Mike Newell
Country of Origin: UK
Year: 2018
Screening format: Streaming (Netflix)
Setting: Home
First viewing? Yes

Notes: Well acted and well executed Netflix drama about a young writer and an obscure book club. But it’s not really about that at all, is it? Guernsey is about the scars of war and the long, impossible healing process.At times predictable (all the way down to the troperific writerly montage) but enough small twists and intrigue to sustain the full two hours. (The Guernsey landscape itself is enough to carry half the weight, should that be necessary.)

All in all, a pleasant way to spend an evening. I only have one gripe with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and that is this. Why, oh why are we still using handheld cameras to film static shots? You can’t find a tripod or a table or something?Aside from that (and my genuine curiosity as to how two dozen roses gifted at different times managed to stay fresh and in bloom over the span of at least a month) I have no complaints.